Finally?before the dreaded pandamic?an avian (bird flu) vaccine has been created. Unless we’re doctors or public health workers, this doesn’t mean much to us here in the US, but scientists have been worried that this disease, which originally spread to humans from birds (especially poultry) in Asian countries, would eventually lead to an epidemic as devastating as the 1918 flu which killed millions of people worldwide.
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In his latest journal Whitley writes: I have gotten in two books?that have, frankly, blown my mind. [They] have changed the way I think about the world in such deep ways that I feel a need to write about them, in order to explore what they mean to our understanding of who we are and what is going on here. One of the books, Sinister Forces, contains some information about connections between the UFO phenomenon, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination?the other book, Hair of the Alien, discusses a piece of physical evidence from the body of an alien?DNA evidence?that, taken with the abduction encounter where the evidence was gathered, quite simply blows our whole understanding of reality out of the water. (Note: Whitley will interview both of these authors for upcoming Dreamland shows).read more

Researchers have discovered a link between nutritional deficiency in the fetus and schizophrenia, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This means that the current famine in the African country of Niger will lead to a large number of schizophrenics.
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Scientists in Korea have announced that they have cloned a dog for the first time?an afghan puppy. It took a thousand tries for this to happen, so it will not become the normal way to get a new puppy. While dogs are strictly pets in the US, they are bred to eat in many Asian countries. While cloned meat is too expensive to produce at the moment, it may be the protein-rich food of the future. So far, studies show that it’s safe to eat.

Also, milk from cloned cattle appears to be safe for human consumption. Scientists in the US and Japan, where raising cattle the normal way has gotten very expensive, say that cloning could be used to increase food production, especially in developing countries. It?s already being planned as the way to produce protein for long space more