As a prominent Japanese meteorolgist warns that Japan is atrisk to be struck by a Category 5 typhoon this year and theAtlantic hurricane season gets off to an ominious start, aUS congressman is trying to put a damper on climate researchby investigating the researchers.

The reason that storms are getting more violent is simple:ocean temperatures are rising. Japanese meteorologist KojiMurayama told theManichiDaily News, “This is just the beginning of real changes inweather patterns on a worldwide scale due to global warming.Once it begins, the common wisdom in our field is that thefrequency of irregular phenomena will increase and theirscale will become increasingly greater.”
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Afterdowningstreet.orgis an organization that seeks to draw attention tothe Downing Street Minutes and to lobby Congress to open aninvestigation into whether the President has committedimpeachable offenses.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with any givenorganization’s political stance, it is clear that it has theright to conduct its affairs without harrassment, and itappears that ultra-conservative cable and broadband providerComcast may have attempted to sabotage the organization’semail messages.
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As American power wanes due to military and political failures, other nations are seeking to take advantage of the vacuum being left behind, and now China has threatened the United States with nuclear retaliation if we attempt to help our ally Taiwan if mainland China decides to invade. The London Financial Times reports quotes General Zhu Chenghu as saying that in such as scenario, “I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons. If the Americans are determined to interfere [then] we will be determined to respond.” Chinese authority Rick Fisher reminds us that China’s official doctrine has been not to use nuclear weapons in a first strike attack. China held its first atomic weapons test in 1964.
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Paul Smith is a retired army intelligence officer, a Desert Storm vet, and for seven years was an operational remote viewer and instructor. Like most remote viewers, he was trained by the US government, even though the CIA has declared that their remote viewing program does not exist. Paul’s new book has a foreword by famed columnist Jack Anderson. Paul is, along with a few others like Lynn Buchanan, Russell Targ and Joe Mcmoneagle, a remote viewer of proven effectiveness.
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