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Someday we’ll supposedly be able to stop worrying about Mexican immigrants illegally entering the US from the South and terrorists coming here over the Canadian border to the North, because there won’t BE any more borders. That?s when the United States will become a REALLY BIG country–if theCouncil on Foreign Relations and its supporters have theirway.
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At a time when London has recently experienced suicide bombings and terrorist attacks kill collation soldiers in Iraq every day, two Purdue University professors are turning to writings published 25 years ago try to understand radical Islam, through the writings of the French philosopher Michel Foucault, who reported on the 1979 Iranian revolution that overthrew the Shah.
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It’s now known that heavy metal pollution of the kind emitted by cars and power plants leads to autism in babies born with a genetic sensitivity to it. This is going to create a huge groundswell in the US for cleaning up emissions of dangerous gases. Now a common chemical compound used in the manufacture of beauty products has been linked to the auto-immune disease lupus in people who have a genetic predispostion to this.

Male babies born to women who use beauty products containing phthalates often have smaller genitals. When researchers injected mice with phthalates, they found the injections triggered lupus, which leads to a considerably shortened lifespan in mice that have a genetic disposition to the disease but not in mice that are not pre-disposed to the more