Here on, we report regularly on the epidemic of autism in children and the scientists who are trying to find out the cause of this heartbreaking condition. We recently reported a devastating story about researchers who say this is a condition caused by the genetic susceptibility of some children to heavy metal pollution. This could be virtually eliminated in the US by putting catalytic converters on all automobiles and scrubbers on all power plants?things the Bush administration refuses to do. The heavy metal mercury is commonly used as a preservative in children?s vaccines. Due to their worries about this, some parents are no longer having their children vaccinated against basic childhood more

So far, 2005 has set a new record for hurricane activity. Never before in recorded history have four tropical storms formed in the Atlantic so early in the hurricane season, and this is caused by global warming, which doesn’t just heat things up?it increases extreme weather activity.
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The Key,our most popular book, is back in stock in our store afterselling out literally thousands of copies! It’s onlyavailable here on If you’re notfamiliar with The Key, keep reading to learn more about thisextraordinary book.

At three o’clock in the morning of June 6, 1998, WhitleyStrieber was awakened by somebody knocking on his hotel roomdoor. A man came in, and everything he said was new.

From author Whitley Strieber comes this provocativetranscription of a conversation he had in a Toronto hotelroom in the spring of 1998, with a man he has described as”the most brilliant person I have ever met”.
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German cancer researcher Dr. Michael Werner claims to have eaten nothing but small amounts of fruit juice mixed with water for four years. He says that, like a plant, he gets his nutrients from sunlight. In the past, some gurus in India have claimed to receive nourishment from their breathing alone. Dr. Helmut Oberritter says, “It is not possible to live on what one gets from fruit juice alone. There are lots of vital proteins and fats that are missing. Obviously this case needs a lot more investigating if we are to explain it.” reports that Werner has written a book about his experiences, and says he actually gained weight when he started his diet.

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