So many of you have written asking for the links to theWhitley’s Journal and Anne’s Diary entries that tell therecent story of Anne’s near death experience due to a brainhemorrhage and her return to life, that we’ve collected themhere, in the order in which they should be read. Look for anew book, coming soon, that contains these writings, as wellas new information from both of them. It will be availableonly on To view the links, keep reading.

Whitley’sfirst journal about the event: In Sickness and In Health.

Anne’s Diary:The Love that Led Me Home.

Whitley’sjoyous reaction to Anne’s return: I’ve Got My Girl Back.

Anne on thehealing power of love: Healing.

Anne’s Diary:Sickness–the Unwanted more

Anne has written a new Diary, probably the last one she willwrite about her recent illness. She calls her stroke “mypersonal ice age.” To find out why,click here.

If you don’t know the story of Anne and Whitley’s recentstruggle with Anne’s near-death experience,click here.Look for a new book, coming soon, that contains thesewritings, as well as new information from both of them. Itwill be available only on

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

On August 30, 2004, at the GOP convention convened in NewYork City, no one except William Henry noticed thatPresident George W. Bush accepted the Republican nominationwhile standing in the Seal of Atlantis combined with theearly Christian symbol of the Messiah. Tolearn more, click the Mindframe tab at the top of the page,then click on Insight. What did our founding fathers REALLYbelieve?William Henry?sstartlingnew DVD reveals that they were NOT Christians, but weredisciples of sects with roots in pre-Christian paganism,such as Masonry, the Knights Templar, and the Rosicrucians!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

UPDATE – Frank Condon ofGeoSeismicLabs says thatthe July 4th weekend or shortly thereafter could see astrong earthquake in Southern California, but the USGSReal-Time Forecast of Earthquake Hazards in the area doesnot foresee any significant quakes in the next 24 hours. (Asof 2 July, 2005, 11:00 AM PDT).

Mr. Condon of GeoSeismicLabs has appeared on Dreamland (11March, 2005) discussing the changing seismic situationaround the world, with emphasis on California and the USwestern states. (To listen to this and other archivedDreamland programs,subscribe
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