Marnie Old, a sommelier and wine educator from Philadelphia,is offering a new course covering the fundamentals of winethat’s free and available on the internet.clickhere to become a wine expert.

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Popular Dreamland guest Andrew Collins is back with a wholenew take on the nature of UFOs and aliens. For nearly 60years, some people have been stating that UFOs arespacecraft from another planet, and that the beings theycontain are aliens. Others have been assuming that it’s allnonsense. Andrew Collins relates the work of people likeWilhelm Reich and Trevor James Constable to the UFO enigma,and offers evidence that demands we take a whole new look atthis enigma. He explains why so much UFO-related activitytakes place around sacred sites and traditional places ofpower. Don’t miss this fascinating Dreamland show!
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Rural drivers using cell phones while driving are nearlyfour times more likely to cause automobile accidents thanrural drivers not using cell phones. Especially if you livein the country, you should hang up and concentrate on theroad. This is a puzzling statistic, because there is muchless traffic on country roads than there in big cities.
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For the first time, researchers have found a link betweenpregnant women’s exposure to a common type of plastics andadverse effects on genital development in their malechildren. And babies still aren’t safe after they’re born:the bottles used to feed infants or the containers holdingleftovers in the refrigerator can cause them serious harm.One researcher says, “The science is clear and the findingsare not just scary, they are horrific. When you feed a babyout of a clear, hard plastic bottle, it’s like giving him abirth control pill.”
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