The US Agriculture Department said today that a test of anAmerican cow has come back positive for bovine spongiformencephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease.

Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced that the animalhad been removed from the food chain in November of 2004 andthat its meat had not been consumed.

Unlike other countries, that use simple and quick testingprotocols, the US uses a slow and elaborate system preferredby the beef industry in order to minimize false positives.As a result, a test that could have been concluded in amatter of weeks took over half a year. The original test onthe animal was inconclusive.
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The French science magazine “Science and Life” says thatrecent experiments prove that the shroud of Turin is a fake.The shroud, which has an image of a crucified man on it, isthought to be the burial wrapping of Jesus. The authenticityof the shroud has been debated since it first turned up in1537, so what finally clinched it for the Frenchresearchers? They made one themselves.
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Residents of California who live along the San Andreas faultworry about earthquakes, while people in the Midwest arerelaxed about THAT problem anyway?but it turns out theyshouldn’t be, because been discovered that 200 years ago, amassive earthquake caused damage from South Carolina toWashington D.C. and even temporarily reversed the directionof the Mississippi River. And it could happen again withinthe next 50years, but exactly when is unknown.
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This week on Dreamland, William Henry interviews one of thefew people in the world who really understandspowerplaces and how to use them. He and William explore the factthat patterns incropcircles often mimic the layouts of ancient cathedrals.Subscribers getto listen to Whitley Strieber talk with Freddy, as they goeven deeper into these fascinating subjects. Linda Howereports on a phenomenal cancer breakthrough and the mysteryof “junk” DNA. Are we genetically engineered?
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