In the June 21st New York Times, Nicholas Bakalar reportsthat our politics–whether far right, far left ormoderate–are NOT the result of our upbringing or even of acareful scrutiny of the issues: they are genetic. Whether weare Republicans or Democrats, are for or against abortion,higher taxes, gun control or school prayer, can be found inour genetic code.
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Newswise – You may not realize this, but your saliva fights toothdecay. It can also be used to diagnose diseases, and notonly diseases of the mouth. This is good news for those ofus who hate blood tests and can’t afford expensive CT scansand MRIs. Dental expert David T. Wong says, “?We’re lookingat the possibility of diagnosing high impactdiseases?[saliva can be] a potential diagnostic tool topaint an insightful view of the body’s health.” So what’sthe connection to raisins? It tuns out they are an excellentfood for a healthy mouth.
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Newswise – Daily News Central reports that US ranchers are stillfeeding their cattle things that could help transmit Mad CowDisease to humans, such as the blood of other cattle. MadCow Disease was a major news headline, but once the publicwent on to other things, like the Michael Jackson trial, USranchers reverted to their old ways. The Bush administrationvowed over a year ago to pass laws against feeding cattleparts of other cattle, but that promise appears to have beenforgotten.
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Newswise – Swimming in the cold water of the ocean or a lake instead ofin the warm water of a swimming pool can increase yourappetite, making it harder to lose unwanted pounds. Thiscould be why swimmers, as compared to dieters who do otherforms of exercise, lose less weight. Researcher Lesely Whitesays,”A study] reported that women who swam did not lose asmuch weight as those who jogged or cycled.”

According to White, “?It may not be the exercise itself thatcauses the problem?rather it?s the increased eating afterthe exercise is over?[However,] water exercise is anexcellent activity for many people, particularly those withjoint disorders, thermal regulatory problems and balance orcoordination difficulties.”
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