Newswise – For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, the voices ofactors, teachers, sports announcers and clergy are silenced.But now researchers have developed a captioning system thatyou can take with you, for the 28 million Americans (about10% of the population) who are deaf or hard of hearing. Theonly thing you’ll need to do is bring your PDA or laptopcomputer to the theater or stadium.
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Scientists have grown new rodent brain cells in a laboratorydish. If this can eventually be done with human brain cells,we would have a cure for Alzheimer’s, stroke, epilepsy,Parkinson’s disease and maybe even schizophrenia. The braincells can be created at a time when the brain is young andhealthy, then frozen until needed.

The brain is always creating new cells, but sometimes thisdoesn’t happen as quickly as necessary to cure degenerativediseases. The brain is also flexible?new parts of the braincan take over the jobs of other areas that have been damagedby accident or stroke. Although you may not notice it, braincells die and regenerate regularly. For instance,neurologists now know that some brain cells are killed everytime alcoholic drinks are consumed.
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In her most recent websitediary entry, “Moving On,” Anne Strieber wrote: “Whitley andI are moving, and I think it’s something everyone should domore often, because you find so many wonderful memoriestucked away in drawers. One of the most precious things Ifound was a diary I kept during the Communion years of1986-87.” Now she has read this diary aloud, just forsubscribers. Ifyou’re curious about what it’s like to become part of aninternational UFO phenomenon, don’t miss this reading! Outof his many years of personal experience, Whitley adds hisown incredibly powerful comments about who the Visitors areand why they arehere.Art credit:

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Theologian David Ray Griffin is not satisfied with theofficial explanations for September 11, 2001. His two booksare the most powerful indictments of the government’s 911actions and explanations ever written. He has been featuredon C-SPAN recently, and is considered one of the leaders ofthe movement to investigate 911 more thoroughly. Forsubscribers, Anne Strieber reads from a private diary thatwas written during the period of Whitley’s close encountersin the mid-eighties, and rediscovered after being lost for19 years. Sherecently wrote about the treasures she?s discovered whilemoving on?now, justfor subscribers,she reveals the most unexpected of those discoveries.
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