The Colima Volcano in Mexico’s Jalisco State has producedthree powerful eruptions in the past four days, andvolcanologists are concerned that a major volcanic event maybe forthcoming. On May 30, the volcano, 450 miles fromMexico City erupted more powerfully than it has in 20years. The 12,540 foot volcano exploded violently in 1913,and appears about to do so again. It is one of the world’smost dangerous volcanoes, and local residents are preparingto evacuate if signs of instability increase any further.Satellite imagery indicated that the May 30 eruption sent acloud of gas and debris to an altitude of 27,000 feet.
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Newswise – Women are the comforters in our culture and they are notforgiving of other women who lack comforting skills. They’remuch more tolerant of men who lack the skills to becomforters. Communications specialist Brant Burleson says,”We think these women are paying [more] attention to thegender of the person giving the message [than to] thecontent or effectiveness of the message.” Now that men aretaking jobs that involve comforting others, in areas likenursing and teaching young children, we need to shed theold-fashioned perception that men have less empathy thanwomen.
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Newswise – The Department of Defense is investigating the high rates ofchild abuse and homicides at military installations acrossthe nation. Children living in military bases are twice aslikely to be killed by a parent or caregiver than otherchildren. Is this because military parents, who are schooledin violence, are more violent towards their kids? No oneknows for sure.
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Reacting to the US announcement last week that it woulddeploy 15 F-117 Stealth Bombers to South Korea, the Northhas claimed that the action is a preparation for war. ThePentagon described the deployment as a routine trainingmission, but the North reacted angrily, calling the action a”malicious challenge.”

Tensions are high between the US and North Korea, which hasstated that it possesses nuclear weapons. Both Japan and theSouth Korean capital of Seoul are believed to be withinrange of North Korean missiles, but intelligence analysts donot believe that North Korea could actually deliver anuclear weapon via missile.

However, due to the proximity of the South Korean capital tothe border, more primitive delivery methods are possible.
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