Whitley Strieber gives very few interviews these days, buthe did give a recent interview to the creators of the FrenchwebsiteKarmapolis. The interview is startling, to say the least, and shows agreat advance in his thinking about the close encounterexperience. When we asked him if he planned to doadditional interviews, he said, “I really didn’t expect thisto be published in English. I did it only to satisfyfriends. Right now, attempting to advance thinking on thesubject of close encounter is a waste of time and effort. Ifthat changes, though, I’m prepared.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Newswise – With shellfish beds from Maine to Cape Cod coast closed fromthe largest algae outbreak in 12 years in Massachusetts Bay,scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) are studying the algae that causes these “red tides.”Red tides are caused by overgrowth of an algae that isnaturally present in the water. Reasons for the overgrowthare not always known, but nitrogen fertilizer washing downfrom farmland into the water during rain storms is oneprobable cause. Shellfish contaminated with the red tidetoxin, if eaten in enough quantity, can cause illness oreven death.
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Our latestsale, with 10%off EVERYTHING, is just about over?the store coupon expiresat midnight tonight. So shop for everything you wantbefore the witching hour?and get great bargains on everysingle item in our store.Subscribersautomatically get a 10% discount on store items, making atotal of 20% off!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Are we next? – Genetically modified plants, such as Starlink corn, arealmost all produced by Monsanto. They are usually engineeredto be resistant to Monsanto’s pesticide Roundup. This meansthat entire fields can be sprayed with Roundup and the weedswill die but the GM plants will survive. This sounds like agreat idea, except for one problem: It’s killing amphibiansworldwide.
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