NASA – The most intense burst of solar radiation in five decadesaccompanied a large solar flare on January 20. It shookspace weather theory and highlighted the need for newforecasting techniques, according to several presentationsat the American Geophysical Union (AGU) meeting this week inNew Orleans.

The solar flare, which occurred at 2 a.m. EST, trippedradiation monitors all over the planet and scrambleddetectors on spacecraft. The shower of energetic protonscame minutes after the first sign of the flare. This flarewas an extreme example of the type of radiation storm thatarrives too quickly to warn interplanetary astronauts.
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Thousands of previously illegible manuscripts containingwork by some of the greatest classical writers who everlived can be read for the first time, due to new technologywhich will reveal the secrets of the ancient world. Thefaded ink on these manuscript pages, which is invisibleunder ordinary light, comes clearly into view when placedunder an infrared light source. This is the same kind oftechnology used by NASA in satellite imaging. The authorsinclude the drama and poetry by Greek writers such asSophocles, Ovid, Euripides and Aeschylus. The manuscriptsbeing studied in this way include early versions of the NewTestament. One copying mistake that was discovered is thatthe “mark of the beast” mentioned in the book of Revelationsis actually 616, not more

On NPR radio recently, distinguished commentator DanielShore said that the biggest under reported news story of theyear is the leak that Bush and Blair both knew that SaddamHussein DID NOT haveweapons of massdestruction BEFORE the Iraq war. In our latestInsight,author David Ray Griffin confirms this and says, “Indiscussing my second 9/11 book?I have often said, only halfin jest, that a better title might have been ‘A 571-PageLie’?In making this statement, one of my points has beenthat the entire Report is constructed in support of one biglie: that the official story about 9/11 is true.” Stay tunedto Dreamland Radio for an upcoming interview with David RayGriffin!

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Dr. Lynne Kitei reports that The Phoenix Lights documentaryfilm has won the Best Director Award in the New YorkInternationalFilm Festival. To can get this film on DVD,clickhere. If you prefer to read her fascinating book aboutthese strange lights–which were seen by hundreds ofpeople–clickhere.

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