Anne Strieber isstarting over–andnot just because she’s recovering from a brain hemorrhage.Read how Anne learned to stop being a consumer and to startloving life!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

PaulBennewitz was a brilliant scientist and signals expert whoworked on secret projects and lived near Kirtland Air ForceBase in New Mexico. He began to pick up strange signals andsee lights hovering over the base, and became convinced thatan alieninvasion was about to begin. When he informed hisintelligence-community employers of his concern, there begana horrendous process of disinformation that eventuallylanded him in a mental institution. Then Linda talks aboutthe fantastic new crop circle season?it?s early and it’sWORLDWIDE! On Mysterious Powers, Anne Strieber talks withPaulElder, a man who isin touchwith spirits. Forsubscribers,Whitley talks with Paul Elder as well, about such things astheir mutual experiences with out-of-body travel at theMonroe more

The Google Maps satellite map of Magnolia Park, Floridashows a clear view of an unusual object floating above 39thStreet in the town.

The shadow on the object is similar to the shadows on theground, meaning that it is in the atmosphere relativelyclose to the surface, probably no higher than 20,000 feet.

There are no towers or unusual objects in the area thatcould account for the formation, which appears to be inrapid vibrational movement. Because of the unusual motionvisible on its surface, it is not likely that this is aballoon.

Without knowing its distance from the ground, it isimpossible to determine the size of the object, but it wouldseem to be quite large, even huge.
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Paul Schafer, a former Nazi Luftwaffe medic who founded theChilean compound known as Colonia Dignidad (now renamedVilla Baviera) has been arrested and put in jail in Chile.On May 7, we had a specialsubscriberinterview with Peter Levenda, one of the few people ever toventure into the mysterious compound and come out alive. Onnearby roads there are posters of people who have never beenseen again, after visiting the colony run by ex-Nazis.One of these is Boris Weisfeiler, a U.S. math professor whovanished in 1985 while hiking in the area. The rumor is thatWeisfeiler, who was Jewish, was executed on orders fromSchafer.
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