Newswise – Medical researchers say a medicine called Revlimid, which isnot yet on the market, may be a cure for somecancers, and may lead to cures for more, especially if themechanism by which it works can be understood. Doctors whoused it to treat a common form of leukemia discovered thatthe substance actually cured the cancer.

Revlimid is similar to thalidomide, a drug that caused birthdefects when it was given to pregnant women as atranquilizer years ago. However, in recent years,thalidomide has been an effective treatment against sometypes of leukemia. Researchers don’t know how it works,except that it boosts the immune system.
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Newswise – Due to increased solar activity and the thinning of theozone layer, the deadly skin cancermelanoma isbeing seen more frequently in children. Despite theavailability of sunscreens, skin cancer in general is on therise. A group of chemists have discovered that adding amixture of antioxidants to sunscreen enhances its protectionfrom UV radiation. In animal studies, they found that amixture of various topical antioxidants was more effectivethan any single antioxidant.
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The south central Atlantic has warmed this spring to anunprecendented degree, while temperatures in thestratosphere have continued to plummet, and air pressures atsea level are unusually low. These effects are a directresult of the ongoing global warming process, in whichexcessive carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere keeheat pressed close to the surface of the planet and preventit from radiating out into space.

The heating the the Atlantic, however, is much greater thanexpected, and scientists are predicting that the 2005hurricane season could be even worse than 2004.
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A geomagnetic storm that took place on the sun yesterday hasbeen classified by the NOAA Space Environment Center inBoulder, Colorado as an “extreme event,” measuing G-5, whichis the highest level on the NOAA Space Weather Scale.

The K-Index, which measures the degree of deviation ofEarth’s magnetic field over three-hour periods, registered9, the highest possible number, meaning that our magneticfield has been deviated away from the sun as far as isbelieved to be possible.
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