Award winning science reporter Linda Moulton Howe hasproduced by far the world’s best story on the slowing of theGulf Stream, why it is happening and its consequences.

Aside from a few brief stories in the European press, themedia has all but ignored the single most importantenvironmental story in history. But Linda Howe offers atEarthfiles.coma thorough explanation of what is happening, an interviewwith the scientist who discovered the problem, and clearanswers about what might happen next.
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It may seem hard to believe, but China, the country thatused to be one of the world’s leading polluters, now wantsto play a leadership role in cleaning up the environment.For instance, a few years ago, it was estimated thatpollution from fire extinguishers manufactured in one partof China was responsible for a large percentage of thedepletion of the ozone layer. Because the country has somany people, everything it does has a huge impact, so ifChina decides to save the environment, it will have a majoreffect on the world.
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You may use your computer every day, but do you reallycomprehend the lingo? has done a survey and foundthat few computer users really understand “Geek Speak.” Whatdo “phishing” and “spyware” mean? What’s a blog? And whatdoes it mean when a friend signs his email “LOL?”
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Newswise – Gamblers who lose more money than they can afford and whocan’t stay away from the slot machines may have a form ofbrain damage. Researchers say that the decision-makingfunctions of the brain’s pre-frontal cortex seem to bedamaged in pathological gamblers, who can’t discriminatebetween short-term rewards and the long-term negativeconsequences of gambling.

Dr.Maria Roca examined 11 pathological gamblers, along with10 control subjects, on the abilities to make decisions,control their inhibitions and direct their attention. In thedecision-making tasks, the gamblers made more”disadvantageous” choices. In the inhibitory control andattention tasks, the gamblers made more errors.

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