Newswise – Gamblers who lose more money than they can afford and whocan’t stay away from the slot machines may have a form ofbrain damage. Researchers say that the decision-makingfunctions of the brain’s pre-frontal cortex seem to bedamaged in pathological gamblers, who can’t discriminatebetween short-term rewards and the long-term negativeconsequences of gambling.

Dr.Maria Roca examined 11 pathological gamblers, along with10 control subjects, on the abilities to make decisions,control their inhibitions and direct their attention. In thedecision-making tasks, the gamblers made more”disadvantageous” choices. In the inhibitory control andattention tasks, the gamblers made more errors.

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Newswise – Mad cow disease is one of the great unspoken fears, becauseAmericans know that the Agriculture Department does notprotect us responsibly. Now there is hope on the horizon. Avaccine that works against the prions that cause the diseasehas been successfully tested in mice. It may be that it willbe possible to vaccinate cattle and other animals againstthe disease, meaning that it will not enter our food chain.
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Linda Howe and Whitley Strieber lead off this week’sDreamlandwith a stunning story about theGulf Streamslowing down. Then William Henry interviews Laurence Gardnerabout explosive revelations in his new book, the MagadaleneLegacy. Hear what he DIDN’T SAY on Coast to Coast AM! ThenLinda returns with an interview with the scientist who hasdiscovered the new Gulf Stream problem, and we get to hearexactly what he discovered and what it means.Subscribers getto go even deeper with Sir Laurence, as Whitley asks himsome pointed questions about Jesus’ genealogy. Be sure tocheck out Laurence Gardner’swebsite.

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