Newswise – Over a year ago, we posted a story explaining howglobaldimming is caused by a buildup of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere. Now climate scientists say that after 30years, this is finally reversing. Earth’s surface hasbrightened by about 4% during the past decade, a reversal ofthe dimming trend that masks the full effect of greenhousewarming.

Reflectivity, or albedo, is largely controlled by clouds andatmospheric particles called aerosols. Scientists are tryingto understand how this affects global warming. Atmosphericscientist Robert J. Charlson says, “If we don’t understandthe albedo-related effects, that is aerosols and clouds,then we can’t understand the effects of greenhouse gases.”
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Newswise – For years, doctors have wondered why children who live in cities have much more asthma than those raised in thecountryside, and also why black children are more severelyaffected than whites. Is it because more Afro-Americans live in cities, or is it due to racial genetics? Now a nationwidestudy of asthmatic children shows that cockroaches are themain cause of their asthma. Roaches are present in even veryclean homes, inside the walls and in warm places, such asbehind light switches. You can use poison to kill theroaches you see, but just like mice and rats, there are manymore lurking in unseen places.
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Another scientist involved in disease control has beenkilled. David Banks was the principal scientist withBiosecurity Australia and was involved in containing pestand disease threats. He died along with 15 other people whenthe commuter plane he was traveling in went down inQueensland, Australia.

The communications manager at Biosecurity Australiadescribed it as a devastating loss for the country. Hisprimary mission was protecting livestock and plants in thecountry, and keeping diseases from crossing into Australia.He was an expert in the propagation of diseases by insectvectors, among other things.

Since January of 2004, more than twenty scientists are knownto have died in accidents, under suspicious circumstances,or been murdered.
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Three different teams have computer scanned the Egyptianboy-king Tut’s mummy recently, and they’ve all come up withthe same conclusion: he was no beauty. He had anunusually elongated, narrow skull, big lips, buckteeth and a receding chin. Tut died in an accident (somethink he was murdered) at age 9 in 1325 BC. We’ve all heardof him because his was one of the few Egyptian tombs that,when it was discovered in 1922, was intact, and it wascrammed with relics made of gold, which have been exhibitedin museums around the world.

In order to create the facial reconstructions, over 17003-dimensional photos of the mummy were taken with CT scans(also known as CAT scans). They were then put together withthe help of a computer.
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