Newswise – Parents complain more about violence in films than they doabout gratuitous sex. Hollywood producers seem to thinkviolence is a necessary ingredient in a film that’s aimed atthe crucial pre-adolescent male audience. But film violencemay not draw viewers to the extent that Hollywoodthinks it does, according to one communications expert, whocomplains that viewers are “already buzzing about theincrease of violence in the final installment of the ‘StarWars’ series.”
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A group of English scientists are combing the Gobi Desert insearch of the legendary Mongolian Death Worm, also known asthe Allghoi khorkhoi. Nomads in the area claim that theDeath Worm can spit yellow saliva that works like powerfulacid, and that it generates electrical discharges powerfulenough to kill a camel.

The expedition, being sponsored by theBritish Centre for ForteanZoology, is led by Richard Freeman, who comments in a pressrelease:
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On Tuesday, May 10, Dreamland guest host (and popularDreamland guest) William Henry will be on Coast to Coast AMon the Clear Channel Radio network with George Noory. Thiscoming weekend, May 14 and 15, William will interviewLaurence on Dreamland, about his exciting new bookTheMagdalene Legacy. You’ll be able to buy this book at theusual great discount from the store (andsubscribers getan additional 10% off!)

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Scientists from Cambridge University have confirmed that theGulf Stream is weakening, and this is likely to bring muchcolder temperatures to Europe within a few years. Theweakening is significant: the Gulf Stream is flowing at aquarter of the strength that was present five years ago.

This is happening because gigantic chimneys of cold waterthat were sinking from the surface to the sea bed offGreenland have disappeared. These chimneys are the keyengine of world climate as we know it today, and theirdisappearance signals the beginning of a great catastrophe.There will be a special report about this important story onthis week’sDreamland!
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