A highly classified memo leaked during the recent Britishelectoral campaign raises extremely serious questions aboutwhether or not the US government ever believed that therewere weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The memo, by British foreign policy aide Matthew Rycroft,discusses a July 23, 2002 meeting between Prime Minister TonyBlair in which British MI6 head Richard Dearlove reported ona recent visit to Washington. The memo states: “This record isextremely sensitive. No further copies should be made. Itshould be shown only to those with a genuine need to knowits contents.”

Regarding the danger of Iraq, the memo states, “the case wasthin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMDcapability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran.”read more

Newswise – Babies who gain weight rapidly during their very first weekof life may be more likely to be overweight as young adults.And while there?s no question that being overweight is badfor your health, being underweight can lead to healthproblems, too, especially as you get older. Researcherssuspect that infants who are not breastfed, or who aren’tbreastfed long enough, may be prone to develop Type IIdiabetes. A new study suggests that the first week of lifemay be a critical period for setting lifelong patterns ofbody weight.
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A franchise is a store or restaurant, like The Gap orKentucky Fried Chicken, that you can find in every town inthe U.S. and often abroad as well. Now space pioneer BurtRutan says travel agents that can book you on a space travelvacation will soon be just as common as fast-foodfranchises. He plans to build spacecraft with large cabins,where you can walk around, just like you can in a conventionalairplane (once the initial take-off is completed), withlarge windows through which passengers can get anastronaut-style view the receding Earth, the moon andperhaps even some nearby planets. Passengers will floataround the cabin during 4 or 5 minutes of weightlessness.
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Could Nevada or California experience a tsunami as bad asthe one that struck Indonesia in December? Evidence showsthat approximately every 3,000 years, the seismic faultsunderneath Lake Tahoe produce an earthquake with the powerto push the ground up or down by 10 feet or more. Scientistsare trying to figure out when the last one happened, so theycan predict when it will happen again.

When geophysicist Graham Kent dug through the sediments atthe bottom of the lake down to the bedrock underneath, hefound evidence of three major faults that extend beyond thelake, onto the land. This means a major quake in the areamay some day generate a tsunami three stories tall.
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