According to a proposed “Doctrine for Joint NuclearOperations,” US field commanders will have the right torequest pre-emptive nuclear strikes to prevent nations orother entities from attacking the United States with weaponsof mass destruction of any kind, whether nuclear or not.

Seperately, the CIA has issued an unclassified reportstating that “Al-Qa’ida and associated extremist groups havea wide variety of potential agents and delivery means tochoose from for chemical, biological, radiological, ornuclear (CBRN) attacks.” (To read the CIA statement,clickhere.

This may mean that the US considers a pre-emptive nuclearstrike against Al-Qa’ida a viable contingency.
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Climate change has been causing an unexpectedly rapidthinning of the ozone layer worldwide, as melanoma,previously thought to be a disease of adults, has suddenlybegun increasing in children.

The decline of the ozone layer has been a source of humor ontalk radio programs and among politicians, who have advisedthose with environmental concerns to “get dark glasses.”

Melanoma is among the most dangerous and aggressive cancersknown to man, and its primary cause is excessive exposure toultraviolet radiation in sunlight. Among adults, melanomarates have been explodingfor years, but now the cancer is also beginning to be seenin children.
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Tom Anderson writes in the Independent that 666 is NOT the”number of the beast”?that’s actually 616. A newlydiscovered fragment of the book of Revelation, from theoldest copy of the New Testament that’s ever been found, hasbeen deciphered, and theologian David Parker says the numberwas mistakenly translated as 666.

666 is an example of the Hebrew habit of assigning numbersto people’s names. Revelation, instead of being a prophecyof future events, was actually a book written in code, so asnot to get the writers in trouble with the Roman censors.616 (formerly 666) refers to the Emperor Caligula, not tothe “antichrist.”
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Newswise – A music professor has discovered that playing music has apositive effect on the health of premature infants,inspiring them to take more food and grow faster. Preemiesneed to put on weight as quickly as possible, so that theirlungs mature enough for them to be able to breathe on theirown. This is reminiscent of theMozart effect,which proves that listening to complex music like Mozartwhile they study helps students do better on tests andactually seems to raise their I.Q.

Jayne M. Standley has found that playing music so that itcan be heard by the preemies in their isolettes increasestheir suckling rates 2?. Her research has led to thedevelopment of a special musical pacifier for prematurebabies.
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