Newswise – The biggest mass extinction in Earth history happened 251million years ago and it took millions of years for theEarth to finally repopulate. New research shows that thisextinction event was caused by a sudden sharp decline inatmospheric oxygen?why did this happen and could it happenagain?

250 million years ago, there was a single supercontinent onEarth, which we now called Pangea. Most of the land abovesea level became uninhabitable because low oxygen levelsmade breathing too difficult for most land animals organismsto survive.

Biologist Raymond Huey says an additional reason may be thatgroups of the same species were cut off from each otherbecause there wasn?t enough oxygen in the air for them totravel far enough to find mates. read more

Will oil prices hit $380 a barrel? A new report warns thatcrude prices, now about $50 a barrel, could rise that muchby 2015. Energy Economists Patrick Artus and Moncef Kaabi,of the French investment bank Ixis-CIB, warn that in thenext 10 years, demand for oil?especially in China?willoutstrip supply by around 8 million barrels per day. Theydon’t think the shortfall can be made up alternative energysources?and least not yet. We’ll still be relying mainly onfossil fuels in the near future. Theanalysts say that they have taken into account “every newoil discovery and potential source,” as well as possible newoil discoveries.
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Betty Andreasson Luca is one of the great voices of theclose encounter experience. This week onDreamland,listen as she describes in detail what happened to her.Subscribers getto hear Whitley?s interview with Ray Fowler, who has beeninvestigating the Betty Andreasson case for over thirtyyears. Whitley wrote the forward for his bookWatchersII. Ray reveals deep secrets about his own life and aboutBetty’s experiences.

Then Linda tells about a bizarre crystal formation that liesbeneath the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, the result of anexplosion so powerful it looks like the remnant of a nuclearblast. The ancient Hindu Vedas describe what sounds to uslike wars fought with atomic weapons.
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Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of the world’s largestcirculation Jewish magazine, TIKKUN, and rabbi ofBeyt Tikkun Synagogue in San Francisco, took the unusual stepof criticizing the choice made by the Catholic Church for itsnew Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger has pressedthe elevation to sainthood of Pope Pius XII, who failed tocondemn the slaughter of Europe’s jews even though he wasconvincingly informed of it.

Ratzinger himself has gone farther than even the mostreactionary public leaders regarding homosexuality, sayingthat it should be outlawed.
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