There’s a controversial theory making its way around thescientific community that says that life on Earth was seededby an asteroid from Mars, meaning we are all, essentially,Martians. But now astronomers think that an asteroid fromsomewhere else may have seeded life on Mars as well, meaningthat our ancestors could have come from far away in theuniverse. Recent Mars rovers are examining five ancientMartian craters that form a ring-like “equator” around themiddle of the planet, looking for signs of life.
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Newswise – It’s long been known that Asian women have less breastcancer, and when they do develop the disease, they livelonger than other women. No one knew whether this was due totheir lifestyles or their genes. Now it’s been discoveredthat Asian women living in England and Wales have a muchlower risk of breast cancer than women of other races,suggesting that it’s genetic.

The annual rate of breast cancer among South Asian women wasalso lower: 40.5 per 100,000 compared with 57.4 per 100,000among all other women, a difference of 29%. Over 70% of theAsian women were alive five years after diagnosis, comparedwith just under 67% of all other women with the disease.
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Agence France-Presse – Some samples of adeadly fluvirus that a US institute sent out to more than 3,700laboratories around the world have disappeared on their wayto two of their destinations (in Lebanon and Mexico) theUN’s health agency revealed Friday.
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We thinkBrainTrust, which talks about the possible connection betweenMad Cow Disease and Alzheimer’s, is one of the mostimportant books in our store, so we have lowered the priceso that we’re now selling it at the lowest price on theinternet! Don’t miss the vital, carefully researchedinformation that Colm Kelleher shares in this book. He tellsyou how to protect yourself and your family from one of themost dreaded diseases of modern times.

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