The Marburg virus outbreak in Angola has spread to theDemocratic Republic of the Congo and to Italy, where ninecases have been reported. Marburg has a short chain ofcontagion, and is not considered as dangerous as Ebola. Atpresent, it is believed that the virus can only be spread bytouch and contact with infected body fluids. An Italianpediatrician died of the disease last week in Angola, but itis not known if the cases just reported in Italy areconnected. A possible case in Portugal has been ruled not tobe Marburg.
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The Japanese company SolidAlliance has developed a ghostdetector called the GhostRader that plugs into yourcomputer. It beeps and flashes red lights in response tounusual magnetic waves. Ghost hunters often come acrossunusual cold areas in haunted houses, and the GhostRaderalso detects this. The device will soon be on sale in theU.S. for around $185.

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Ghost hunting? Maybe it’s easier to trust your intuition.Anne Strieber’s wonderful interview with psychic SoniaChoquette is still available tosubscribers!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Weren’t we supposed to stop walking and driving and startusing Segways instead? Despite all the hype about this newinvention, it remains just a toy?and an expensive one, atthat. They’ve been purchased by a few post offices and bysome businesses with large warehouses, but that’s about it.One problem is that most municipalities have made it illegalto drive a Segway on either the street or the sidewalk.
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The proposed European Union ban on as many as 5,000 widelyused vitamin products has been declared illegal in theEuropean Court of Justice. The court’s main legal adviserhas declared the ban “invalid.”

According to an advocate-general at the European Court ofJustice, the ban would violate European Union principals oflegal protection.

The rules, advocated by the drug industry, were designed totighten controls over health foods and supplements, and drawthem into the general area of drug controls.
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