The New England Journal of Medicine reports today that MRSA,Methecillin-resistant staph aureus, is now a serious problemin the general population, and recommends that all staphinfections be tested to determine if they are MRSA.

MRSA is a severe form of staph that is resistant to all butthe most aggressive antibiotic treatment and can be rapidlyfatal in some cases. It is especially dangerous if it entersthe lung, where it causes a pneumonia that can be fatal in amatter of days.

MRSA usually involves skin infections, and can lead topermanent destruction of tissue and require surgery to stopthe spread of the infection.
read more has received the following letter from areader who is presently in Rome for the funeral of Pope JohnPaul II: I am writing you from Rometoday. It is the most blessed human experience I have everknown. I work in Milan and have come down here to honor thepope. When Mr. Hesemann said on your program that he was themost important pope for the past 1,000 years, he was tellingthe truth. This is the man who brought down the Iron Curtainand ended the Cold War. But that is not what this isabout?this is about life in the streets of what has becometruly a holy more

This week,ColmKelleher tells the terrifying truth aboutMad CowDisease in the US and explains why he thinks it may beresponsible for the epidemic of Alzheimer’s that iscurrently devastating so many seniors in this country.Autopsies of Alzheimer’s patients show that they had plaguesin their brains similar to those that form in people withMad Cow disease, which is much more common inelderlypeople. Are Mad Cow and Alzheimer’s the SAME THING? Whatkind of beef is safe to eat? Did you know that you can be indanger of contracting Mad Cow disease by just usingLIPSTICK? Is it dangerous to eat venison and other game? Anddon?t miss Colm?s amazing ideas about cattle mutilations!
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The first case of chronic wasting disease (the prion diseasesimilar to Mad Cow that affects deer, elk and other gameanimals) outside the Midwest region has been discovered in awhite-tailed deer in New York State. This makes it even moreimperative thathunters shouldnot eat the meat from animals they shoot without having thecarcass tested or prions first.
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