Have you ever wondered why butterflies are calledBUTTERflies? They should be called “flutter-bys” instead,because of their seemingly random flight patterns. In LewisCarroll’s “Alice in Wonderland,” illustrator John Tennieldrew illustrations of sticks of butter with wings on them.Now ornithologists have discovered that butterflies do notflutter aimlessly, but are actually following precise flightpaths. And dog owners have long said that their pets both smileand laugh, but scientists have insisted this was all in thepet owners’ imaginations?until now.
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A supercell over the southeastern US has caused unsettledweather conditions in Louisiana, Arkansas,Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Missouri and Tennessee. Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi declared a state ofemergency after 19 tornadoes were reported in the state thismorning, and during the day it developed that there wasextensive damge in the state, but no deaths reported.

As of 10PM CT, the system was still producing violentweather, but the full extent of damage will not be knownuntil morning/

Stay tuned to local media for the lastest information, andremember that supercells are very violent and fast moving.If you live in the storm region, take warnings seriously.
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Master Astrologer Mahala ofALCSeattle.com offers a newvision of the immediate future and some brilliant insightsinto the effects of the gamma ray burst that struck earth inlate December.

She says “We are still reeling from the effects of thatGamma Ray Burst in December. That burst hit the moon first,and then it bounced off and hit the Earth’s ionosphere,which caused it to light up. This burst was very highfrequency energy and the Earth is still shaking and quakingfrom it. On December 26, there were 17 major 6 and 7 pointearthquakes recorded. By December 27, about 30 quakes wererecorded, not only in the Sumatra area, but all over theworld, and it’s still quaking.”
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Since January, there have been numerous phantom pantherattacks reported in the British press, and many moresightings throughout the country. In West Oxfordshire, ananimal that has been nicknamed “the Beast of Burford” hasbeen appearing in a farming community and killing sheep inthe area. The sheep have been killed in a mannercharacteristic of big cats. The Cotswold Wildlife Park hasoffered a $10,000 reward for the live capture of the animal.

On April 4, Rev. Ron Jones observed a black panther about120 feet away while he was walking on a heavily traffickedtrail in Eastbourne. In February, there was a sighting of asimilar animal in the area.
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