Newswise – A rare 1943 document — a psychological analysis of thepersonality of Adolph Hitler that predicted, among otherthings, his eventual suicide — is now available on theCornell Law Library’s Web site, at:thislink.
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Newswise – We recently put up a story about how the U.S. looks to the Chinese. Howdo Europeans view America? Is it life, liberty and thepursuit of happiness? Or is it blue jeans, MTV andhamburgers with a side of “freedom fries?”

“To many Europeans, America is still an unknown territory.They rely on myths and preconceptions of American societyand politics,” says political science professor AurelianCraiutu.

What does “America” mean to people of different cultures?How can we explain the simultaneous fascination andrevulsion with the “American myth” throughout Europe and therest of the world? “The world continues to be fascinatedwith America, one way or another. Love and hatred of Americadivide the world,” says Craiutu.
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The news about bird flu is getting scarier every day. Rightnow it?s confined to Asia, but like SARS, it will travel towhere you are soon. Researchers now think there are definitecases of one person passing it to another, meaning it couldcause an epidemic that will rival the flu pandemic of 1918.Scientists are concerned that it will take too long to manufacture enoughdoses of a bird flu vaccine for a wide vaccination program,so a vaccine may notbe able to prevent a pandemic.
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Newswise – In Utah, birds are being given “breathalyzer” tests. Nope,cops aren’t stopping them for flying too fast?a biologist istrying to determine whether sparrows and warblers aremigrating under the influence of bayberries, gnats, or otherfoods, in an effort to help protect the habitats ofmigrating birds. It turns out that birds can get too drunkto fly, just like people can become too drunk to drive.
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