Citizens of Aracruz in Brazil were startled to see afireball cross the sky on the night of March 28. A few hourslater, the town was rocked by the discovery of what appearedto be a badly burned alien on one of the main streets.

Terra Noticias Populares reports that a police spokespersonsaid: “Many people were terrified, thinking that an alieninvasion was taking place.”

More than 50 people called the station, reporting the burntET in the street.

The alien was taken by locals to a hospital, where it wasexamined and found to be a burnt rubber doll. The practicaljokers have not yet been found, and are not being sought bypolice.

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In a recent speech, Lawrence Summers, the president ofHarvard University, caused a controversy by suggesting thatthere may be fewer women mathematicians because women havedifferent brain structures than men. Although this speechraised the ire of feminists, it happens to be true:scientists now feel there are “male” and “female” brains,depending upon how muchtestosteroneyou were exposed to inthe womb. But here’s the kicker: a man can have a “female”brain, and vice-versa. To find out what sex brain you have,take this BBCtest.You?ll need a ruler with metric measurements on it (whichmost plastic and wooden rulers have).

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At the same time that the European Union wants to ban alldepictions of the dreaded Nazi swastika, scientists arefinding it has a role in optics and cryptography. Hitler didnot invent the swastika, he only “borrowed” it, since it wasa symbol of prosperity and good fortune in many ancientcultures. Today, one can travel to small towns in Mexicoand spot swastikas woven into traditional Mayan shawls.

In the U.K., Dr. Darren Bagnall has found that he canarrange tens of thousands of gold swastikas on a tiny squaremillimeter in order to form a new material that will changethe polarization of light. Light becomes “twisted” into theswastika form, providing a new way to send encoded messages.
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In our latestinsight,CSETI director Stephen Greer writes about the Peter JenningsABC special on UFOs: “Of course, the title of the show was?Peter Jennings Reporting??if only that were so. This is thestory of how, once again, the corrupt Big Media hasdefrauded the American people, from one who had a front rowseat to the spectacle?The final ABC News show was weaker inevidence than most tabloid cable channel pieces on the UFOsubject?with the bulk of the ?documentary? being interviewswith UFO personalities, debunkers and the carnivalatmosphere of UFO hotspots like Roswell.”

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