After the recent devastating loss of life from the DecemberIndonesian tsunami, geophysicists are searching for otherareas where the same kind of disaster may be lurking due topotential underwater earthquake activity. Now they saythere’s a real danger that the Caribbean will be next.

Scientists say that several natural phenomena could triggergiant tsunamis, with effects felt in the islands of theGreater and Lesser Antilles and along the east and Gulfcoasts of the United States. These areas, which wererelatively sparsely populated when the last waves hit, nowhave large populations.
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There’s a persistent myth, still going around the internet,that we did not really go to the moon and that the Apollomoon landing was actually staged on a movie set. When aheckler taunted astronaut Buzz Aldrin about this, hepunched him in the nose. Understandable, given that Aldrinactually walked on the moon, and risked his life to do so. Now the European Space Agency has launched a spacecraft that is photographing the old Apollo landing sites, that will finally put an end to this conspiracy theory.
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In his latestJournal, Whitleywrites: “Unfortunately, we are in a time of horrific crisisfar beyond anything I imagined when Art Bell and I wroteSuperstorm. It is so much worse than I expected then that Ialmost can’t believe what I am seeing.” Do wehave a death wish? We might, and Whitley tellswhy the idea that self-destruction is a good thing cannot befound in the Bible or the messages of Jesus, but exists onlyin the minds of fanatics.

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The documentary film The Phoenix Lights, produced by Dr.Lynne Kitei, has been held over, so if you missed it, younow have another chance to see it. Screenings will be heldon Sunday, March 20 at 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. at theHarkins Shea 14 Movie Theater in Scottsdale, which is at1754 East Shea Blvd. To see the trailer,click here.

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