Cyclone Ingrid, with winds measured at 186miles per hour on Monday, is heading toward Australia. Thisis themost powerful storm to hit the Queensland areasince 1918, and among the most powerful cyclones on record.It is poised to strike northern Queensland, and residentsare being warned of its danger. As it approached the coast,it weakened somewhat to Category 4, but meterologists warnedthat, as it slowed down over water, it had the potential toreturn to Category 5.
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Some AOL users are getting notices that they have been’banned’ from our message board. We do not yet know why theyare getting this message, because we have not banned any AOLusers. If this has happened to you, keep reading to find outhow get back on.

1.) Visit the message board2.) Click the “log out” link at the top right of the screen3.) Clear your browser cookies and empty the cache of storedpages4.) Close and restart your browser5.) Visit the message board and login.

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A swarm that has now reached over 3,500 small earthquakesbegan last weekendoff the Oregon coast, but officials insist that they do notpose any tsunami threat, even though part of the affectedocean floor is similar to the area in the Indian Ocean areathat produced the magnitude 9 quake that caused lastDecember’s huge tsunami in southeast Asia. The small quakesoff the Oregon coast range from a magnitude of 2 to 4.
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The length of a man’s fingers reveals how physicallyaggressive he is. The shorter the index finger is comparedto the ring finger, the more aggressive the man. This is aresult of how much testosterone a fetus was exposed to inthe womb.

The Scotsman reports that University of Alberta (Canada)researcher Peter Hurd discovered this by studying thefingers of 300 men, then giving them tests that revealedtheir levels of aggression. In women, these two fingers areusually almost equal in length, but in men, the ring fingertends to be longer. In both sexes, the longest finger isgenerally the one next to the index finger (it’s the one wemake a certain nasty gesture with).
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