The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control haswarned that the outbreak of bird flu in Asia is the singlebiggest threat facing the world today. Right now, bird flucan only be caught directly from infected birds?usuallychickens?but there are signs that the virus is evolving andmay soon be able to be passed from person to person. If thathappens, we could have an epidemic to rival the 1918influenza pandemic, which killed millions of people aroundthe world.

Researchers don’t know for sure that the H5N1 strain of birdflu will evolve into a form that can be passed from personto person. Right now, bird flu has a fatality rate of about75%, so if this form of flu spreads around the world, itcould be an international health disaster.
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Wonder why the Pope didn’t get a flu shot this year? If hehad, he probably wouldn’t have the flu right now. Theanswer? He probably doesn’t really have the flu.

The Pope receives the best medical care the world has tooffer, and despite the fact that there was a shortage of fluvaccine this year (there isn?t anymore), he would have beenat the top of the list to get vaccinated from the smallamount of vaccine that was available. Actually, he probablyDID get a vaccination; the breathing difficulties he’sexperiencing are most likely a result of aspirationpneumonia, a side effect of advanced Parkinson’s.
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For subscribersthis week, Whitley interviews anthropologist George Erikson,who says, “I have an hour long show on the History Channelon my theories of Atlantis as connected to Maya myth and the2012 End Date. It will be called ‘Lost Atlantis’ and it willair Monday, March 7 at 11pm Eastern time.” Producer SharonBarrett of Kurtis Productions says that Erikson presents”the most compelling evidence of the existence of Atlantiswe’ve found.” To earn more about the showclickhere.

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In our latestInsight,Michael Goodspeed points out that famous horror authorStephen King’s fiction is surprisingly successful atpredicting real future events.

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