Newswise – While many of us turn to our chiropractor when we develop asore back, there has long been controversy about whether ornot chiropractic techniques really ?work.? Some doctors sendtheir patients to chiropractors, while others thinkchiropractors are out of date practitioners of a type oftreatment that has long been superceded by more modern drugsand surgery. But there is a growing body of evidence thatgoing to the chiropractor can reduce your other health carecosts.

In a study published in the Journal of Vertebral SubluxationResearch, researchers found that chiropractic care caninfluence DNA repair. These findings offer a scientificexplanation for the positive health benefits reported bypatients who regularly visit chiropractors.
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The idea that it is now possible to create part-human,part-animal creatures is a chillingscientific reality. One researcher recently ran into abrick wallat the U.S. patent office when he tried to patent hisformula for creating a chimera.

Rich Weiss writes in the Washington Post that researcherStuart Newman, who applied for the patent, doesn’t reallywant to create this creature, he just wants to be able tostop other people from doing it. So far, the U.S. Patent andTrademark Office has granted patents for a mouse with ahuman immune system and a pig with human heart valves thatcan be transplanted into humans.
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Several clothing manufacturers have experimented with acloak ofinvisibility you can wear around, but now researchers thinkthey can use this technology for something much moreimportant: making warplanes and spacecraft invisible. Thetrick: Light scattering. We can see objects becauselight bounces off them, but if this scattering of lightcould be prevented (and if the objects didn’t absorb anylight), they would be invisible.
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The mystery offalling blocksof ice continues. As always, reporters of the most recentevent have no idea that this is a worldwide, recurringphenomenon, and that it is most likely caused by atmosphericchanges related to global warming.

Mile Frazier of the Illinois Herald-Review reports that agiant ice block fell from the sky into the back yard of someresidents of Decatur, Illinois. He writes that we know theseice blocks, called megacryometeors, are NOT a case ofairplanes disgorging their frozen contents from toilets, buthe says we don?t know what DOES cause them.
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