Whitley writes in his latestJournal: “The much heralded ABC special on UFOs has comeand gone. Predictably, it was more of the same, a largenumber of lies sprinkled with a few truths. At least itwasn’t as relentlessly negative as such programs havegenerally been in the past. But people like Peter Jenningsand his producers are cursed with the belief that they canunderstand?or already do understand?what they are lookingat. The reality is that the UFO phenomenon is the mostcomplex event in history, and a cursory examination of itssurface by a few overworked and ill-informed televisionproducers is not going to succeed in any way whatsoever tocome to any truth about it.” Don’t miss this powerfuljournal entry!
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Mysterious black triangles have been reported in Canada andMaryland, and now Dr. Mark Olson of Sonora, California hastaken spectacular video oftwo of them. Asighting of a huge black triangle was reported toUnknowncountry.com over West Hollywood, California onFebruary 5, but no images were obtained. Black triangleshave been a feature of UFO sightings at least since theseventies, and are responsible for some of the mostspectacular sightings ever recorded, among them the passageof an enormous triangle across Arizona during thePhoenixLights event in March of 1977.

A black triangle was spotted in the sky over Maryland on
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Newswise – Bad news about pollution: Rates of Alzheimer’s today arethree times what they were in men 20 years ago and haverisen 90% in women, and some scientists think this is due toan increase in pesticide use, industrial waste and carexhaust. Air pollution from car exhaust has been found tothicken the blood, causing heart attacks and strokes. Also,this kind of pollution hits infants especially hard. A newstudy shows that fossil fuel combustion from cars and powerplants is causing nitrogen pollution in U.S. waters,especially when there are highways nearby.
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Newswise – The races identified in the U.S. census are: white(Caucasian), black (African-American), Hispanic (usuallySpanish speaking natives from South America), NativeAmerican (American Indians) and Asian. The problem is thatpeople are allowed to check more than one box in reply toracial questions. When this happens, government computersidentify them as full members of their minority race, evenif they are partially (or mostly) white.
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