Pretty incredible title, huh? But as usual, UFO historianRichard M. Dolan pulls it off beautifully. Don’t miss thistwo part essay, especially now that both parts are available!To read it,click here.

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An explosion among the greatest ever recorded passed through oursolar system on December 27, about 40 hours after themassive tsunami struck the Indian Ocean. The massive energypulse was followed by a powerful solar storm and a month ofweather chaos on earth.

Unfortunately, science at present has no way of determiningwhether or not the energy pulse, which came from theexplosion of a dying neutron star, was connected to eventson earth.
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A new brain study shows that people who use their intuitionare subconsciously sensing trouble ahead. Our unconsciousbrains pick up clues too subtle for our conscious brains topay attention to, so when we feel uneasy about getting intoa certain situation, we should stop and listen to ourintuition?because it’s usually right. One example of this isthat during the recent Asian tsunami, some aboriginal peoplewent to higher ground before the disaster because theysensed it was the right thing to do.
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Newswise – Lately, everyone from government officials to radiocommentators has tried to blame global warming on sunspotsand even volcanoes, implying that the warming, whicheveryone now agrees is happening, is not the fault of humanbeings. A famous novelist has even written a book sayingthat global warming is a left wing conspiracy! But nowScientists at the prestigious Scripps Institution ofOceanography have produced clear evidence that ocean warmingis being caused by greenhouse gas emissions from things likecars and power plants.
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