Last week on Dreamland a prominent scientist said franklythat theAkashicRecord was real, and that the ancients must have understoodmore about it than we do now. This week, Greg Little joinsco-host William Henry to discuss his journey to the Yucatanin search of a losthall ofrecords that ‘sleeping prophet’ Edgar Cayce predicted couldbe found there.
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Unknowncountry sources in Australia report that a powerfulearthquake has struck Indonesia. The quake took place at 4:04 PM PSTand was measured at 6.9 on the Richter scale. Because theepicenter was 8 miles deep, little damage was done on thesurface, but residents of the area were terrified of anothertsunami.

There are no reports of any tsunamis in thearea, and the Indonesian government says that none areanticipated from the quake.

The tremor follows a 5.4 earthquake that struck Tokyo onFebruary 15, and points to the fact that the whole Pacificearthquake zone remains highlyactive since mega-quakes hit first south of Tasmania in theAntarctic Ocean, and then in the Indian Ocean in December.
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In his book The Secret School, which tells the story of hischildhood UFO encounters, Whitley recalls being in a UFOpowered by a motor made out of magnets. Now twocompanies?one in Japan and the other in Germany?have madesimilar magnetic motors. Andsubscribers canlisten to the audio of The Secret School this weekendABSOLUTELY FREE.

The Minato motor, developed in Japan, requires someelectrical input, but when connected to a generator, it canproduce about three times its own input power, yielding a200% net gain. It?s a closed-loop system that can produceelectrical power with no fuel or other energy input of any kind.
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Newswise – When the bones of two early humans were found in 1967 nearKibish, Ethiopia, they were thought to be 130,000 years old.A few years ago, researchers found 154,000- to160,000-year-old human bones at Herto, Ethiopia. Now, a newstudy of the 1967 fossil site indicates the earliest knownmembers of our species, Homo sapiens, roamed Africa about195,000 years ago. Geologist Frank Brown says, “This meansthat modern humans roamed the world for many years beforedeveloping any cultural artifacts.” What changed to make ussuddenly become “human?”
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