Newswise – Despite the many laws that have been passed regarding gunregistration requirements, bans on specific firearms and”zero tolerance” policies for guns in schools, it?s stillnot known if these laws help prevent gun violence. The TaskForce on Community Preventive Services looked through eventsof the last 30 years and concluded that there was”insufficient evidence” to determine whether any of thefederal, state and local gun laws reviewed had an effect ongun-related deaths, violent crimes, suicides and otheroutcomes.
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Two powerful Pacific typhoons could merge over the next fewdays in a rare event that will generate a monster storm thatcould threaten the entire Pacific region.

The Australian-Pacific Center for Emergency and DisasterInformation has graded Olaf as a Category 4 typhoon, withsustained winds of 155 miles per hour. Olaf is currentlyover Samoa and American Samoa.

The second, somewhat weaker typhoon, Nancy, is over the CookIslands, and the two storms are expected to collide onThursday or Friday. The Cooks were struck by anothertyphoon, Meena, just 10 days ago, and seas described as”phenomenal” were buffeting the east coast of the island,where sea walls were damaged by Meena.
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The Monsanto Corporation, infamous for its efforts to’corner’ water rights and spread genetically modified foodsworldwide, has now embarked once again on a campaign to getinternational approval for ‘terminator’ seeds, which havelimited germination potiential, becoming sterile after oneor two generations.

When terminator seeds were sold to unwitting Indian farmers,the discovery that their crops could not reseed themselvescaused a wave of suicides across the country.

Scientists are concerned that genetic pollution from Terminator crops will lead to killing off a wide range ofcrops and plants, as Terminator pollen and seeds are spread by thewind, insect pollinators, and commercial seed co-mingling andtransportation.
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In its recent issue,PopularMechanics Magazine offers an article ‘debunking’ the ‘911Myths.’ These alleged myths include the notion that therewas something attached to the lower fuselage of one of theplanes, that the Air Force failed to adequately respond tothe crisis, and numerous other claims, including the claimthat Building 7 was insufficiently damaged to collapse onits own, and must have been intentionally destroyed.
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