Newswise – Organically and conventionally grown potatoes can be toldapart by flavor, but only if the skins are left on. Andwhether you prefer Pepsi or Coke depends on which one youTHINK you’ll like best.

A panel of fifteen taste testers was asked to evaluateboiled samples of redskin potatoes that had been grownorganically or conventionally. The tasters were simply toldthey were evaluating different potatoes, not that some ofthem were organic and some were not.

When the potatoes were peeled before being cooked, theycouldn’t tell the difference. But when the skins were lefton, they were able to identify a difference between theconventionally and organically grown potatoes.
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Newswise – Scientists have looked in vain for years for a gay gene, andnow a researcher may have finally found one. By searchingthe entire human genome for genetic markers for male sexualorientation, he has identified several areas that appear toinfluence whether a man is heterosexual or homosexual.
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An unknown disease is hitting Los Angeles, San Francisco,Austin and other areas, and ifit’s not actually a new disease, doctors think it must bemass hysteria. People are getting lesions on their bodiesthat are filledwith strange, string-like fibers. The lesions start out asitchy bumps. Given the fact that leisons appear, as well asparasite-like fibers, it is hard to see how a diagnosis ofhysteria can stand.

When anurse suffering from the disease went to the hospital tohave it treated, she was almost sent to a mentalinstitution. A male medical assistant was driven so crazy bythe lesions, he committed suicide. His girlfriend now hassymptoms.
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In an eerie reprise of one of the world’s great UFO flaps,the Belgian incidents of 1989, a huge triangular object wasobserved over Paris two nights ago. The object, recreatedhere by French UFO observer Mathieu Cozanet, was seen atabout 9:50 PM, moving slowly through the night sky at almostrooftop altitude. The witness was in a small public park at thecorner of Rue d’Alesia and Rue Vercingeton in the 1stArrondissment. It was a dark and, for Paris, unusually clearnight, and he chanced to look up to see the stars. At thatmoment, he saw the craft, just visible against thenight sky, moving across the Rue Vercingeton anddisappearing over the roofs of buildings, as shown in Mr.Cozanet’s recreation. Unfortunately, the other personpresent was looking in another direction and did not more