A strange streak of light was seen in the skies abovethe Hawaiian Islands last December. It turns out that theNight Sky Live (NSL) projecthas web cameras continuously watching the nightsky?searching for UFOs? That’s probably not part of theproject’s mission description, but they seem to haverecorded one anyway.

NASA reports that on December 17, camera on top of thevolcano Haleakala on Maui captured something mysteriousmoving inthe sky. A camera on a nearby island recorded the samething, so it couldn’t have simply been an anomaly. It alsocouldn’t have been a satellite, since no satellites werepassing by at that time.

At present, the object remains an unknown. You can see ananimation of its movement across the sky atNASA’S website.
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The Mayan calendar shows the world ending in 2012?could thisbe true?Will Hartinvestigated this personally, and has important answers forus.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

The U.K. has given Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute inScotland, the scientist who created Dolly the sheep (theworld’s first cloned mammal), a license to clone humanembryos for medical research. The clones will be used tocreate stem cells for research into degenerative motorneuron disease.

The plan is to extract stem cells from patients with thedisease and implant them in unfertilized eggs to createcloned embryos. The ultimate aim is to grow the nerve cellsthat transmit electrical messages from the brain and spinalcord to the muscles. While there’s no possibility, at thistime, of implanting the nerve cells into patients, thecloning will hopefully help to develop future treatments forMND.
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The CIA, after two years of pressure from Congress, hasfinally agreed to disclose classified records about itsrelationship with Nazi war criminals. The CIA doesacknowledge working with the Nazi S.S. These records maycontain revelations about the actions of Nazis who wereallowed to escape trial by coming to America. “OperationPaperclip,” which took place in Whitley Strieber’s hometownof San Antonio, Texas, was one of these incidents. As achild, he remembers he and his sister being used in mindcontrol experiments by these people. These experiments tookplace at a nearby Air Force base. Douglas Jehl writes in theFebruary 7 New York Times that “hundreds of thousands” ofpages will be released.
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