The CIA, after two years of pressure from Congress, hasfinally agreed to disclose classified records about itsrelationship with Nazi war criminals. The CIA doesacknowledge working with the Nazi S.S. These records maycontain revelations about the actions of Nazis who wereallowed to escape trial by coming to America. “OperationPaperclip,” which took place in Whitley Strieber’s hometownof San Antonio, Texas, was one of these incidents. As achild, he remembers he and his sister being used in mindcontrol experiments by these people. These experiments tookplace at a nearby Air Force base. Douglas Jehl writes in theFebruary 7 New York Times that “hundreds of thousands” ofpages will be released.
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In the future, historians may wonder how we sleepwalked ourway into ecological disaster. The UN’s Rajendra Pachaurisays the CO2 which causes global warming has reached”dangerous” levels. Stephen Byers, who reports to PrimeMinister Tony Blair on global warming, says we could reach”the point of no return” in ten years. Even Lord Oxburgh,the head of Shell Oil in the U.K. and someone who makes anice profit from selling oil, says that unless governmentstake urgent action to curb CO2 emissions (which come mainlyfrom car exhaust), there “will be a disaster.”
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Homaro Cantu doesn’t use fish to make sushi at the Motorestaurant in Chicago?he prints images of sushi on ediblepaper made out of soybeans and cornstarch, using edible ink.Chicago is a town that’s famous for its unusual eateries?itonce had a restaurant where everything, even desert,contained garlic?but this is the first restaurant where themenu is edible.
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There’s a myth that we only use 10% of our brains, but aresearcher has discovered that we actually use about 80%,mostly on tasks that take place outside of our consciousknowledge. However, this activity does not take place inyoung children, so most of our brains may be busysubconsciously reprocessing earlier thoughts andexperiences.

Brain expert Michael Weliky thinks this type of brainimmaturity might hold the key to the causes of dyslexia inchildren. He also found that when he placed ferrets in adark room, the older ferrets’ brains kept on processingvisual information at 80%, as if they could still see. Thisactivity was absent in the young ferrets.

He knows the brain must be doing something important?but what?
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