This week,subscribers get an important interview with BritishMinistry of Defense official Nick Pope on the recent releaseof massive numbers of UFO documents by the Britishgovernment under their new Freedom of Information Act. Mr.Pope made headlines worldwide in the mid nineties with hisrevelation that he had been the Ministry of Defense’sofficial UFO investigator, and that the ministry hadcollected thousands of UFO reports. Robert Verkaik writes in the Independent that, due to theU.K.’s Freedom of Information Act, their “X-Files” have beenopened to the public at last. There are thousands ofclassified documents here, all describing UFO sightings thathave been reported by Royal Air Force personnel and BritishAirways pilots, as well as policemen.
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This week onDreamland,we lead off with a 15 minute special report on theextraordinary worldwide earthquake situation with LindaMoulton Howe’s interview of a USGS seismologist. ThenWhitley interviews Frank Feschino, who has spent twentyyears researching what has turned out to be the largest andmost complexUFO casein history.

Earthquake activity worldwide has been not only high, butunusual. A cluster of 130 earthquakes has struck the NicobarIslands in the Indian Ocean over the past 7 days, andyesterday Ecuador experienced its second earthquake storm ina month. How do seismology professionals view the currentsituation? Linda Howe asks a leading seismologist this weekon Dreamland, in a special report that will be aired in thefirst fifteen minutes of the program.
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Newswise – A big part of the universe has been missing for 10 billionyears, since the time when the stars first formed, but nowscientists have solved the mystery. Where is it? It’sfloating in super-hot rivers of gas that are invisible tothe naked eye, surrounding galaxies like our own. And acompletely different kind of mystery matter?dark matter?mayhave put it there.
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Our science textbooks told tales of tiny mammals (ourancestors) huddling in fear from the gigantic dinosaursroaming the world, but it wasn’t that way at all. Andmillions of years later, the early humans known asNeanderthals had beautiful soprano singing voices.

Jeff Hecht writes in New Scientist that newly discoveredfossils from China show that not only did large mammals livealongside dinosaurs, they went dinosaur hunting. These hugecritters lived in China about 130 million years ago,millions of years before the first humans. One fossil evenhas the remains of a dinosaur in its stomach! Scientists nowthink these animals may have played a part in dinosaurextinction.
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