One of America’s most skilled and important UFOinvestigators, Kenny Young, has died of cancer at age 38.Kenny has had the disease for some time, but requested thatWhitley Strieber, who followed his career closely, notdisclose his illness publicly. Kenny was a sober, carefuland skeptical UFO researcher, and Whitley believed him to beamong the very best of the younger generation, whose work ischaracterized by a ‘just the facts’ approach that does notattempt to fit findings to theories, but simply seeks toprove what is real.
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The Elmendorf beast is back, and this time it’s healthy andattacking people and animals in California. These oddanimals, apparent mixes between coyotes and dogs, created asensation when two of them were shot in Texas. Dismissed asmere oddities, the fact that they were suffering fromunusual diseases that might represent some sort ofenvironmental problem was ignored.

Blanca E. Sanchez writes in the Daily Bulletin that a wildanimal that seems to be a coyote-dog mix, is leaping sixfoot fences and killing pets in Chino, California. Thecreature resembles a coyote but is about 20 pounds heavier.People are afraid to leave their dogs?and even theirchildren?in their back yards.
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In the U.S., many of us are still trying to get our yearlyflu shots. There was an earlier shortage of vaccine, but nowthere should be plenty to go around and you don’t need to beelderly or infirm in order to get a flu shot. In Asia,patients are coping with something much more lethal: birdflu. Researchers don’t think it’s just spreading from birdsto humans anymore?they’re worried that we can catch it fromother people. That means it will inevitably end up here.

Jo Revill writes in The (U.K.) Observer that a teenaged girlwho died in Vietnam has become the 11th bird flu victimthere in a month. Her mother died from bird flu the weekbefore. WHO wants to know whether or not they shouldclassify bird flu as a “pandemic,” and that depends on howit is transmitted.
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Are you thin or fat? If you squirm, fidget and tap your toesand fingers, you’re probably thin. If you’re always findingsomething to do, like shopping or cleaning the basement, andrarely sit down and watch TV, you’re also probably thin. Allthese activities boost your NEAT?your “non-exercise activitythermogenesis.”
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