Police in Nelson, British Columbia, say a local psychichelped them find the body of young woman who has beenmissing almost a year. Before consulting the psychic, policeused sniffer dogs, helicopters and infrared heat detectors,but still couldn’t find her.

CBC News reports that Police Sgt. Steve Bank was about togive up, when he decided to call local psychic Norm Pratt,who directed police away from the hiking trail where thedead girl, Kimberley Anne Sarjeant, was last seen, andtowards a deserted area about a mile into the woods nearby.They do not suspect foul play.

How do psychics work? They listen to theirintuition.If you’re asubscriber, youcan still hear Anne Strieber’s wonderful interview withSonia Choquette.
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Despite some extreme weather events recently, most of usremain untouched by global warming, making it easy toconsider it an abstract theory?something that’s not reallygoing to affect us. A recent novel says it’s all a left wingplot, which is even more reassuring to people who like tokeep their heads in the sand. But scientists who study theweather say it’s going to be even worse than we thought.
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Hate to make your bed in the morning? Don’t do it?you’llstay healthier. It’s not just your mother who wants you tomake your bed, dust mites do too. While an unmade bed looksmessy, it does keep those mites away. These tiny bugs eatsloughed off skin cells and breathing air that contains themites is a common cause of asthma.

BBC news.com reports on a recent study showing the mitesdon’t survive in the warm, dry conditions of an unmade bed.You may not realize it, but you’re sleeping alongsideliterally millions of these little bugs every night, sincethe average bed is home to around 1.5 million dust mites.
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Three French physicists say they’ve figured out how UFOengines work. The scientists claim they use a combination ofelectromagnetic and nuclear power and they have built amodel UFO engine at the French Astronomical Observatory inMarseilles.

Jean-Pierre Petit, Claude Poher and Maurice Viton call theirengine the Petit-Viton Magnetohydrodynamic Motor, and say itproduces over 1,000 million watts of energy. One of itssecrets is that it can suppress shock waves which occurnaturally in the air and slow down any flying object.
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