In the past few years, there have been a series of mysterious deaths of microbiologists. The death of retiredprofessor Jeong Im is the latest. The 72-year-old scientistwas stabbed to death in a parking garage on the Universityof Missouri campus, put in the trunk of his Honda, and hiscar was set on fire. Police are baffled about the case andhave no idea who the perpetrator could be, although ahooded, masked man was seen leaving the crime scene with agas can. Hollywood has even taken notice of this series ofdeaths and is planning to make a movie about the phenomenon.
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I remember Johnny Carson with the greatest respect andfondness. Back when Communion was just published, mypublicist suddenly got a call from his office. He wanted meon his program. At the time, I was being grilled alive ontelevision. I had sat three feet away from Larry King andhad him laugh in my face in front of a million people. I hadbeen scorned and excoriated by the atrocious Phil Donohuebefore a studio audience a thousand strong, all laughingderisively. I was being made a national joke as the ‘rectalprobe’ guy. So I really, really did not want to endureanother public humiliation. But it was the Tonight Show, at that time the biggest placean author could go on more

After Exxon complained that the U.S. government’s last UNIPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) chairman,Robert Watson, was being too hard on them, Bush backedRajendra Pachauri for the post, assuming that he wouldsupport our government’s stance on climate change. NowPachauri is warning that global warming has hit the dangerpoint and it may already be too late to change things.
read more was unreachable online for approximately5 hours on Sunday, due to the fact that its host,,was shut down by a power failure in downtown Toronto. The powerfailure was due to a broken water main and has been repaired.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more