Sea birds are landing on California?s beaches covered withoil, but there is no oil leak in the ocean. Scientistsstudying the situation say the oil is not coming upnaturally from the ocean floor. They are planning to analyzethe oil coming off the birds’ bodies so they can try toidentify its source.

Charlie LeDuff writes in the New York Times that there is anoil slick floating someplace?scientists don’t know exactlywhere?along the California coast. So far, it’s killed 700seabirds and injured 700 more, and one sea lion has beentaken to a veterinarian. As many as 5,000 seabirds mayeventually be harmed by becoming coated with oil and unableto fly. the oil also affects their ability to reproduce.
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Huge balls of fire are being seen in the skies of India, andthey aren’t asteroids or plane crashes. They are accompaniedby deafening explosions.

In one village, trees began swaying and dishes fell offshelves. People panicked and ran from their houses.Incredibly loud explosions were also heard, but so far,police have not been able to find the places where theexplosions are coming from.

The Hindustan Times reports that the fireballs have beenseen by thousands of people. One of them says he saw “a hugeball of fire” that caused all his pots and pans “to comecrashing down.” Officials deny that this is caused byearthquakes or a satellite crash.

How can we know what’s real?and what isn’t? Scientists arenow saying we shouldtrust ourvibes.
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In an extremely rare event, a communications satellite hasstopped communicating, resulting in no telephone service for10 South Pacific nations. The hundred million dollar IS-804satellite stopped relaying phone calls on Saturday. It’sprobably still in orbit, but no longer pointing its antennaetoward Earth. This could have been caused by the recent thesolar storms, although no other satellites have beenaffected.

The NOAA Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colorado hasissued a warning about a strong solar flare and radiationstorm. The flare is large enough to cause radio blackoutsand is the largest flare ever produced by this particulargroup of sunspots. More flares are expected this weekend.
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First, Whitley talks to Robert Bruce about his incrediblyeffective new method of inducing out-of-body travel, thenLinda Howe interviews Troy Hurtubise, who claims he hasinvented a field that can see through literally anything,from walls to blocks of lead.

You listen to Dreamland by clicking on the word ‘Dreamland’on the right side of our masthead. Linda’s interview startsan hour into the program.
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