Sheila Watt-Cloutier is a Inuit leader who is taking a standagainst global warming, because her world is melting. She was elected as the head of the Inuit CircumpolarConference, which represents the 155,000 Inuit who live inAlaska, Canada, Greenland and Chukotka, Russia. Her remarkswere originally printed in The Guardian newspaper on January15, 2005. She says that while global warming is affectingthe entire planet, it’s hitting the Arctic much harder.

Inuit elders and hunters have knowledge about the way thesnow and sea ice are supposed to act, as the seasons change,this wisdom has been passed down for generations. It tellsthem which birds, fish and animals will be in the region atwhat times, so it’s necessary knowledge for their survival.
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If you have red hair, your ancestors may have beenNeanderthals. British scientists think that the gene for redhair, and the freckles that come with it, is around 100,000years old, and originated with Neanderthals. Whether or notthey interbred with Homo Sapiens, who came along later, hasalways been controversial, but since the redhead gene isstill around, this means that they did. reports that Neanderthals have beencharacterized as being slow witted,but modern research showsthis wasn?t true. They were aggressive fighters, however,and the fact that 10% of Scottish people have red hair and40% carry the redhead gene may explain why they?ve been sotough to conquer. Neanderthals finally died out about 28,000years ago.
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Scientists have noticed that the sun is getting dimmer. Airpollution is the problem–but if we clean up the pollutionthat cools down the Earth by dimming the sun, will weincrease global warming? The answer, alas, is yes.
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The European Space Agency’s Huygens Probe has landed onTitan and returned to earth some of the most stunning imagesever seen by man. The first staggering discovery is that,despite the fact that it is so cold that water ice would bea form of virtual stone, the environment has complex weatherand even liquid pools of a presently unidentified substance.

Planetologists believe that this will prove to be methane inliquid form. If so, then Titan probably has fluid lakes andrivers, and an active atmosphere which is based aroundentirely different elements from those that form the basisof earthly life.

There is even a group of scientists who believe that Titanmay harbor some form of life.
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