In Venice, Italy, gondolas are getting stuck on the dry bedsof the canals. Hotel docks are dangling in mid air. What?sgoing on here? Venice is drying up!

Venice, which usually has a few feet ofwater on the ground at high tide, has dried out due to lackof rainfall in the area. Rightnow, gondolas can onlytravel on the Grand Canal, Venice’s largest and deepest.

The irony is that a gigantic engineering project is plannedfor Venice that will help prevent the annual floods thatarrive every year in the autumn, when tourists end upwading, rather than walking, around the city.

To read about the Venice engineering project to preventfloods, clickhere and here.
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Cellphone use is dangerous to young children. For years,there has been a controversy about the danger of cellphones.Now a group of scientists are saying that the danger toyoung children has been seriously underestimated, and thatchildren under eight should not use mobile phones at all.

The report was issued by Britain’s National RadiologicalProtection Board (NRPB), and caused panic within thecellphone industry. One British company withdrew a cellphonetargeted to four to eight year old children.
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It turns out earthquakes are not disasters, at least not asfar as the Earth is concerned. They recycle the Earth’scrust, which in turn produces a habitable planet, especiallyfor humans. Did you know that Earth is the only planet weknow about that has earthquakes?
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