Newswise – Scientists have discovered that mammals other than humanscan tell which language we?re speaking. They may not know ifit?s French or English, but they recognize the differentspeech patterns. We all know that our dogs recognize wordslike ?walk? and some primates can tell if you switch fromone language to another, but now this ability has been seen,for the first time, in rats.
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?In the universe, that is. U.S. scientists say they?vedetected the largest explosion that?s ever been seen in theuniverse. It?s as if 300 suns suddenly got sucked into ablack hole.

It?s nothing new?Agence France-Presse says it?s been goingon for 100 million years, but we?ve just never seen itbefore. The discovery was made by NASA?s orbiting ChandraX-ray Observatory, which is controlled from a base inCambridge, Massachusetts.

Heard any ?White Noise? lately? There?s a new film out bythat name and it?s based on a book by Mark Macy and Dr. PatKubis. And guess what? We interviewedMark onDreamland and if you?re a subscriber, you can still listento that interview!
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Legendary and controversial prophet of earth changes GordonMichael Scallion has been saying for many years that a greatearthquake in the Indian Ocean would herald a long period ofplanetary unrest. That earthquake has taken place, so whatdoes Mr. Scallion think now? To listen, click on the word”Dreamland” on the right side of our masthead.

Mr. Scallion discuss what he believes is most likely tohappen next, speaks frankly about the hits and misses of hiscareer, and offers an intimate look at just what happened in1979 that drew him into the world of prediction, anunforgettably powerful story that he doesn’t often tell. Healso offers suggestions about the simple steps an individualmay take to protect themselves during a time of rapid andprofound change.
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India Daily has been publishing a series of stories aboutUFO activity in that country and Indian governmentinvolvement in it. Now the paper claims that a secret debateis taking place within the Indian government about whetheror not to disclose the Indian military’s ongoing contactswith UFOs and extraterrestrials. No other source can befound for this or any other of these stories.

We have not been able to confirm any of the India Dailystories except one: during the fourth quarter of 2004, therewas military movement in the areas of the Himalayas wherethis activity is allegedly taking place. But there is noevidence that it was related to UFOs, and, unlike thesituation in Iran, there are no official comments or reportsreferring to UFO activity.
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