India’s only active volcano, known as Barren-1, which islocated in the Andaman Islands chain about 80 milesnortheast of the capital, Port Blair, has begun erupting inthe aftermath of last Sunday’s mega-quake.

Lava is flowing down the sides of the volcano, and lava andsteam are being emitted from the crater. While the volcanois not a threat to populated areas, its sudden eruptionfollowing the earthquake is another sign of just how profoundlythe massive quake affected the region geologically.

Sumatra, as close to the quake’s epicenter as Barren-1, has35 active volcanoes, and the question of whether or not theywill be affected by the earth movement is at present unanswered.
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A survivor of the tsunami has written a riveting andinspiring firsthand account of the tragedy that we areposting as an “Insight” article on Unknowncountry. “I lookedout and sawthe ocean suck out and this wave started to form a couple ofhundredfeet out and it just got bigger and bigger. My heart stoppedand I stoodthere saying Oh My God!

The locals who had all been stunned and confused, as theyhad never seenanything like this, looked horrified and so did we. We allstartedscreaming run! run!” To read more,click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Aid officials are beginning to say that over a hundredthousand people probably died in Sunday’s Indian Oceantsunamis, but there are few animal corpses being found.Apparently the animals had forewarning of the oncoming wave,and sought higher ground before it struck.

Sri Lanka’s Yala National Park was partially inundated bythe fast-moving waves, and yet the elephants, buffalo anddeer that inhabit the park areas that were flooded areunharmed. In fact, overflights have failed to turn up asingle large animal corpse.
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In an eerie reprise ofthe ComingGlobal Superstorm andthe DayAfter Tomorrow, the Los Angeles area has experienced one ofits worst storms of the past hundred years. The storm, whichincluded a verified tornado in Van Nuys that took the roofsoff of houses and uprooted trees, flooded the city withupwards of five inches of rain. Downtown Los Angeles has notrecorded a rainfall this heavy in the past fifty years.

At least 500,000 people in the area were without power atvarious times during the storm, and parts of the cityremained without electricity or were experiencing rollingblackouts on Thursday.
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