Only God can create life?or will we soon be able to do ittoo? Roland Pease writes for BBC that for the first time,U.S. researchers have created a form of artificial life.Their creation is nothing more than a group of crudebiological cells at the moment, but this could be the firststep in creating real life.

They made the cell walls from egg whites. Inside the cellsis E. coli bacteria that is stripped of its geneticmaterial. E. coli is a common bug that resides in spoiledfood and makes humans sick. The cells also contain an enzymefrom a virus.
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After her Saturday appearance on Coast to Coast AM, AnneStrieber was flooded with emails about peoples’ experienceswith their animals coming back after death, and meetingtheir animals in near death experiences.

She has collected a sample of these beautiful and inspiringemails and woven them into her latest diary entry, Do Animals Have Souls?

Anne says, “after my near death experience with the spiritof my beloved cat, I believe that animals may have soulsjust like we do, and that our relationships are probablydestined to continue beyond this life.”

Do you have room in your life for somebody whose gratitudemay literally be eternal? Check outAdopt-a-Pet!
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After years of controversy, acupuncture has been vindicatedin a study sponsored by the US National Institutes ofHealth. The study involved 570 patients with arthriticknees. Patients treated with acupuncture showed a 40%decrease in pain and a 40% improvement in knee mobility.

Patients in the study were treated four ways: some receivedconventional acupuncture, and others sham acupuncturewhere their knees were touched with needles but notpenetrated. Others received self-help guidance, and thefourth group conventional drug therapy.

Eight weeks into the study, the acupuncture patients hadgained mobility, and by fourteen weeks their pain levelswere far less than those receiving guidance or shamacupuncture.
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For some moths now, there have been rumors of extensive UFOactivity in India and western China, and of contacts betweenIndian officials and ETs.

These events are said to be centered on the Ladakh Valley,which lies between the Himalayas and Karakoram Mountains.Its average elevation is 14,000 feet, and the area is knownfor its climactic extremes.

Both India and China maintain military areas along theirborders, and large parts of the Ladakh Valley are off limitsin both countries. It is in these areas that contact is saidto be taking place.
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