On December 13, Unknowncountry reported aUFO explosionover the Chinese city of Lanzhou, and similar explosionstook place over Jakarta last night. In both cases, it hasbeen assumed that the objects were meteors, but it is unsualthat the same general area of the planet would be struck byexploding meteors over a week period. Normally, meteorshowers are spread across the surface of the planet as itrotates.

At 7:30 this morning Jakarta time, local military radarsrecorded an object incoming from above. Moments later, aloud explosion was heard over the city, and witnessesreported seeing a bright object streaking toward the ground.A witness in Bogor south of Jakarta reported that he hadseen the object hit earth.
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Twelve days of talks on the future of earth’s climate endedin failure in Buenos Aires yesterday as the European Unionsaid that the US has blocked all efforts to come to even amodest agreement to reduce worldwide emissions after theyear 2012 when the Kyoto Treaty expires.

This made it certain that there would be no significantinternational effort to reduce emissions at a time when thescientific evidence that runaway global warming threatenshumanity with vast suffering has become undeniable.

The US administration continues to claim that global warmingis a matter for debate, even though there is no longer anyscientific question that it is happening, or thathuman-generated pollution is a significant contributor tothe warming process.

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Anne &Whitley Strieber will be on Coast to Coast AM with ArtBell tonight (Saturday, December 18) from 10 to 11 Pacifictime. Besides tellingabout her near death experience, Anne willalso talk about her new novelAnInvisible Woman, anexciting thriller which isbased on something that really happened to her–she reallydid become invisible in her own life. Whitley will talkabout how Art and Coast fans helped them during Anne’shealth crisis.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Hurricane force winds struck Paris and northern Francewithout warning today, causing extensive damage and killingsix people. The storm lasted only a few minutes, but struckParis with 80mph winds.

The event was associated with a fast-moving cold front, butwas not anticipated and is not understood.

At Versailles, trees were uprooted. The grounds of theancient palace were devastated by a massive windstorm in 1999.

A quarter of a million homes were without power acrossnorthern France, and in Normandy bridges had to be closed.The French national weather service warned that high windswere expected to continue and spread southward during the night.
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