5,200 years ago, the weather went wild. On November 9, 2003,Unknowncountry.comreported thatevidence had been discovered that past climate changehappened in hours.

This evidence was found in Peru, when cores drilled to thebase of a glacier uncovered plants that had been frozen sofast that their cellular structure remained intact. Thismeant that the freezing process took just minutes, or atmost a few hours. The plants had remained locked in theglacier ever since.

At the time, this finding was called “astounding,” and nowthe discoverer, Lonnie Thompson has reported to the AmericanGeophysical Union that the sudden climate catastrophe thathappened then might be happening again.
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Unknowncountry.com is continuing its reporting on the big booms that have been heard along the East Coat recently. They?ve been especially loud along the coast of North Carolina. They have been heard since the 1800s, when author James Fenimore Cooper called them ?Seneca Guns? in one of his short stories. Officials have determined that they are not caused by airplanes, earthquakes or storms.
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Ed Note: This article was placed in error. The “new moon”was determined by NASA to be a Saturn rocket stage inOctober of 2003. We erroneously used an old reference inthis story.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

2004 was one of the warmest, wettest and most violent yearsin the history of weather forecasting. The National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration report is based on data goingback to 1895.

As predicted in global warming models, Arctic temperaturesrose the most dramatically, with an approximate 1.8 degree Fincrease in Alaska above the 1971-2000 average. Alaska had arecord warm summer, with temperatures averaging 4.6 degreesF above average.

Had late summer not been cooler than average across much ofthe midwest, 2004 could have been a record high year.
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